Friday, April 10, 2020

Getting on with Life!

I'm back! 

I have been away for a year. So much has happened in my life since my last entry. I have now two children and I am a single mom. I have been single for about 6 years and honestly, it is great.  I have learnt to rely on and ask for help from people around me and most importantly on myself and my own inner strength. Making the decision to be single was one that both my partner and I had made together. It was the best for both of us. We had grown apart and even though I had gone through the heart ache of break up, I have found my own strength. I do believe that finding it is important, whether you're with someone or not. I feel that if I had stayed in a relationship that was,  at the time,  not serving of either of us and brought out the worst possible versions of ourselves, it would have killed my soul completely. What would I have given my children or the rest of my family. 

Will I remain single forever, forever ever... probably not. I am human after all and yearn physical and emotional contact with another person. I am not warding away any suitors, but I am cautious who I allow in my space. I am the mother of dragons! 

'Nuff said. he is still a great guy ( sometimes;))  and I'm still a super woman ( most times) and we move on. I have also lost my dad recently. It's not easy. I live away from my family (on  a different continent to be exact) and have grown used to not seeing them and needing their input in my daily life, but the longing for a dad who has always been in the background of my evolution, and remained there is now amiss.I'm still processing and trying to be a constant support to my mother and family albeit through facetime or chat. I suppose this is dad's way of getting us all together and showing us how important we truly are to each other.