Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snowy in Seattle

My family and I decided to take a trip to Seattle. With round trip flights at $100 each, who could resist? We had not had a white winter since moving to California. It was definately worth experiencing. We have been spoilt by the Californian sun and realised how glorious the heat is, when we were back in Seattle.

I visited a hot yoga studio aptly called, 'I love Hot Yoga'. They offer a variety of styles and a multiplicity of classes. I had been through my phase of hot bikram yoga about 6 years ago. It had completely detoxified my 20's. I had been addicted. I have since moved on to Vinyasa Flow.

A good friend had scheduled a date with me at the Vinyasa Power Flow class in a heated room! It was just what I had needed to get my vacation rear end out of the freezer!
The class was packed. I found my space right at the back of the class, tight against the wall. My 3 legged dog had to be transitioned with care.

Being a holiday weekend, the instructor dedicated the class to the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. The quotes and readings from the writings of this yogi were fitting the time. All poses/ asana had to be performed mindfully  whilst practicing Ahimsa. ( non violence)

I flowed to the music and loved the transitions between asanas. I felt cleansed and renewed after the class. Ready to take on the storm warning.

The next day, my daughter and I, accompanied by her uncle and boxer pup took a snowy walk!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New year, new endeavours

I'm trying to actually take Yoga classes this year. I usually have a tight schedule and am unable to attend other classes.

It is important for my practice and ultimately my instruction to attend as many classes as I can. And besides, its fun!

Today I attended another class at 24 hour fitness. I am not going to mention the instructors name, but I loved the class. She has been an instructor for over 20 years and is in a league of her own.  Her method is nothing like I have been taught and her energy boundless. She taught a Zumba class before the Yoga. She was very inspirational to me as a newbie instructor.

I'm definately going to attend her class again.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Journey continues

After a long break from the blogging world, I have finally made the time to jump right back in. Hopefully I will be here for an extended stay. Being a mom and yoga instructor and care giver and perpetual lover of life, my time in front of the computer or any device is limited.

I have increased my work load and am trying to find the peace in every moment. I read a while ago that the best time to meditate and find inner peace is through daily activity. Being with my daughter has definately given me the opportunity for peace. Children are amazing. Their spontaneity and presence is something to experienced.