Friday, April 10, 2020
Getting on with Life!
I have been away for a year. So much has happened in my life since my last entry. I have now two children and I am a single mom. I have been single for about 6 years and honestly, it is great. I have learnt to rely on and ask for help from people around me and most importantly on myself and my own inner strength. Making the decision to be single was one that both my partner and I had made together. It was the best for both of us. We had grown apart and even though I had gone through the heart ache of break up, I have found my own strength. I do believe that finding it is important, whether you're with someone or not. I feel that if I had stayed in a relationship that was, at the time, not serving of either of us and brought out the worst possible versions of ourselves, it would have killed my soul completely. What would I have given my children or the rest of my family.
Will I remain single forever, forever ever... probably not. I am human after all and yearn physical and emotional contact with another person. I am not warding away any suitors, but I am cautious who I allow in my space. I am the mother of dragons!
'Nuff said. he is still a great guy ( sometimes;)) and I'm still a super woman ( most times) and we move on. I have also lost my dad recently. It's not easy. I live away from my family (on a different continent to be exact) and have grown used to not seeing them and needing their input in my daily life, but the longing for a dad who has always been in the background of my evolution, and remained there is now amiss.I'm still processing and trying to be a constant support to my mother and family albeit through facetime or chat. I suppose this is dad's way of getting us all together and showing us how important we truly are to each other.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Snowy in Seattle
My family and I decided to take a trip to Seattle. With round trip flights at $100 each, who could resist? We had not had a white winter since moving to California. It was definately worth experiencing. We have been spoilt by the Californian sun and realised how glorious the heat is, when we were back in Seattle.
I visited a hot yoga studio aptly called, 'I love Hot Yoga'. They offer a variety of styles and a multiplicity of classes. I had been through my phase of hot bikram yoga about 6 years ago. It had completely detoxified my 20's. I had been addicted. I have since moved on to Vinyasa Flow.
A good friend had scheduled a date with me at the Vinyasa Power Flow class in a heated room! It was just what I had needed to get my vacation rear end out of the freezer!
The class was packed. I found my space right at the back of the class, tight against the wall. My 3 legged dog had to be transitioned with care.
Being a holiday weekend, the instructor dedicated the class to the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. The quotes and readings from the writings of this yogi were fitting the time. All poses/ asana had to be performed mindfully whilst practicing Ahimsa. ( non violence)
I flowed to the music and loved the transitions between asanas. I felt cleansed and renewed after the class. Ready to take on the storm warning.
The next day, my daughter and I, accompanied by her uncle and boxer pup took a snowy walk!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
New year, new endeavours
I'm trying to actually take Yoga classes this year. I usually have a tight schedule and am unable to attend other classes.
It is important for my practice and ultimately my instruction to attend as many classes as I can. And besides, its fun!
Today I attended another class at 24 hour fitness. I am not going to mention the instructors name, but I loved the class. She has been an instructor for over 20 years and is in a league of her own. Her method is nothing like I have been taught and her energy boundless. She taught a Zumba class before the Yoga. She was very inspirational to me as a newbie instructor.
I'm definately going to attend her class again.
Friday, January 6, 2012
The Journey continues
After a long break from the blogging world, I have finally made the time to jump right back in. Hopefully I will be here for an extended stay. Being a mom and yoga instructor and care giver and perpetual lover of life, my time in front of the computer or any device is limited.
I have increased my work load and am trying to find the peace in every moment. I read a while ago that the best time to meditate and find inner peace is through daily activity. Being with my daughter has definately given me the opportunity for peace. Children are amazing. Their spontaneity and presence is something to experienced.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Pranayama Breathing
Pranayama is Yoga Breathing. It it the extension, or retention (ayama) of the breath, life energy (prana).
Prana is life energy. It is found in everything. Prana is in the trees, it is the life behind the wind. It is the buzzing of the bee. It is in the flight of the hummingbird.
Pranayama prepares the body for meditation and is done at the beginning of, during and after the the practice of Yoga Asanas.
Pranayama done before the practice, warms the body and brings ones attention inward. One checks in with the body. This is done to relieve stress form the outside, to let go of expectation and judgment during the practice. This also releases fear. Anxiety and fear cause the muscles to tense. The muscles need to feel relaxed before, during and after the practice.
Pranayama practiced before the asanas allow the yoga to have the full benefit of the poses. When a practitioner becomes stiff or fearful during the practice, pranayama breathing allows the body to soften into the pose. It allows the mind to reconnect and let the suppleness wash over the body.
Pranayama done after the poses focuses on relaxation. In Savasana the yogi truly lets go. The mind is released of clutter. The shoulders are relaxed and the body comes into a restful period with full awareness. The body has accomplished greatness throughout the practice. It has released toxic energy which has built up in the body. Time has come to release and breathe in the positive, life giving prana. It is also time to let the heart rate slow down and prepare for meditation.
How does one do Pranayama Breathing?
Pranayama or Yoga breathing is done through the nose only. The nasal airs filter the air entering the body. This warms the body and keeps the air inside. When one breathes through the mouth, breathing tends to be shallow incorporating on the top part of the lung. When one breathes through the nose, the breath is slower. It also passes the olfactory organs at the back of the nose, reaching the brain and central nervous system. This immediately relaxes and brings focus to the breather.
Pranayama breathing allows one to control the breathing and utimately helps one control the mind.
Three Stages of Breathing
There are three stages to proper deep pranayama.
- The first is the inhalation or 'puraka'. With inspiration, one breathes in prana through the nose, allowing for filtration and spreading the air throughout the lung capacity.
- The next stage is exhalation or 'rechaka'. The breath releases the stale air which inhibits the lungs. If left within the lungs, without cleansing, this stale air is what causes sickness, tight chest, coughing and ultimately, disease.
- The third stage is retention or 'kumbhaka'. This is holding of the breath. It is not exhalation or inhalation. Kumbhaka could be done either before inhalation, 'antara kumbhaka' or after exhalation, 'bhaya kumbhaka'. This is the softening of the body as in yoga asana practice, this is where the body holds the pose and relaxes into it.
Why Practice Pranayama?
The practice of pranayama is important for mental focus, concentration and vibrant health. One is more relaxed and focused without the mind wondering. It also allows relaxation of the body and lets the practitioner check in with the body. Adjusting accordingly and healing.
Just as a baby needs a naptime schedule, so too does the adult. Pranayama breathing is that 'naptime'.
Pranayama exercises have physiological benefits. When we are stresses or tired we hold toxins in the body. The neck is tight, the back aches and the shoulders are crying out for release. We inflivct constant pain to our bodies, regularly. When we breathe in and out and take a mental inventory of our bodies, we are not only breathing in prana, we are also releasing all the tension and tightness we have inflicted throughout the day.
Proper breathing with the aid of Yoga asanas is the ideal way to care for ones nervous system.
Deep, mindful breathing is beneficial to the mental and physical well being of pregnant women. When pregnant, many women become afraid, nervous and anxious of the impending birth. The anxiety then releases a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin prepares the body for labor. If released ahead of time the body prepares for premature labor. The baby needs its full term to grow and mature inside the body. The mother needs to remain relaxed and of happy disposition. Practicing Yoga asanas and pranayama will ensure a positive mental state for the mother before and after birth.
Simple Pranayama Exercise
- Sit on a cushion on the floor, or sit in a half or full lotus. Keep the spine straight.
- Breathe normally for a few counts to come to a calm mental state.
- With intent, breathe in slowly through the nose. Feel the air passing the back of the throat. With this inhalation, say a internal 'so'.
- Hold the breath in for 1, 2, 3 counts, comfortably. Do not strain. Strain and tension causes the breathe to fluctuate. Start over if there is any tension.
- Release the breath slowly, through the nose. Make the sound of the ocean, whilst saying 'ham', internally. This sound brings awareness to the breath and helps to lengthen the breath.
- SO..HAM, means 'the immortal spirit am I'. This is a positive and restful mantra. You recognise that greatness of God is to be found in all living things, including inside your soul.
- Hold the breath out for 1, 2, 3 counts. Close the eyes.
- Inhale deeply through the nose, feeling the inhalation on the body.
- Hold for 3 counts.
- Exhale all the air. Washing away all the stress and strain of the day. Renewing your strength. Lengthening the breath.
- Hold the breath out.
- Practice for about 10 to 15 minutes, comfortably, with awareness. Set an alarm clock.
Pranayama is to be practiced regularly. One does not perfect it on the first try. It is a discipline and requires you to declutter mentally. It will lead to focus and concentration. The more you practice, the more you will want to practice. One will notice the rhythm of the breath and the heart beat. The heat will beat slower when meditating or practicing pranayama. Life is about rhythms. Listen to the breath and not the voices inside, which are constantly commentating on the days events. Let the voices rest.
Enjoy your practice,
Blessings and Peace,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
the power of thought and meditation
I have also been reading Louise Hay's, 'You can Heal you life'. She too talks about meditating and putting your mind to a problem and saying the positive of that and know that whatever the situation, you deserve abundance, that all is well, and it will be!
I have written a poem, just a little one on all these mantra's.. it makes me happy to say to regularly!!
You should try it... but remember whatever you ask for, always make sure you ask it to be in harmony with the world. Always be thankful to the one you asked.
blessings to all
Monday, August 17, 2009
This Way To Kevala
I was a nanny in Seattle. It worked out great. I have a 15 month old daughter and the idea of putting her in child-care did not appeal to my husband and I . We then decided that the best alternative was to take care of her whilst caring for others! It was perfect! That was one month and 15 days ago. One month and 15 days of me not earning an income, and thus not adding to the economy!
I have been home and have been spending much needed quality time with my daughter. From birth, she had been accustomed to sharing my attention with other children. Now she has me all to herself. I know she misses her buddies and has taken some time to adjust to me daily, in the new setting. All this can be very weird for a toddler. We have managed to keep smiling though. We have explored San Jose, inside out and all around. I have to add: San Jose Libraries are awesome for kids! Maia and I have definitely grown closer and in tune.
I am also Yogi.
I love Yoga and am passionate about spreading the benefits of yoga to all who will give me a listening ear! My passion started with a my Yoga instructor, who was completely inspirational! A yoga muse, guru... Goddess! I am sad to not have her class here in San Jose! I miss it! I have been doing Yoga on my own, though. Building my home practice and quiet time which has been a great benefit to my focus. I have been spreading the benefits of Yoga for Children wherever possible. I would love to formally teach children's yoga. The earlier we introduce and practice Yoga with our children, The better this planet will be. Yoga advocates compassion, love for the self and others and universal acceptance. We are all unique. Every living thing on the planet has a purpose. It is up to us to spread this and be one with the world we live in!
Children are natural yogis and yoginis. Watching them fall into poses, stretch their limbs and bend into down dog, then reading and playing in cobra. All truly awe inspiring. It comes so easily to them. It came this easily to us, until we grew up! We have to make sure our kids do not forget and keep spreading the yoga vibe!
Yoga is beneficial to everyone. It is accessible to everyone. There is a great program geared with runner's and athletes in mind. After reading about it, I found that it is also for everyday people, who have little or no time to practice Yoga but would love to add the well-being of Yoga to their lives. The sessions are 10 to 30 minutes short. So, yes, very accessible. You can download the audio visual content. It walks you through the the routine step-by-step, breath-by-breath. Revolutionary! Runner's Yoga focuses on breath which is the most important part of Yoga.
The breath is the flow of life. Breath takes you through each pose. Breathe slowly and deeply, through the nose from the core. This allows for focus, improved lung capacity and an ability to handle stress easier.
I truly believe that anyone can do Yoga. Anyone who has breath is able o access the multiplicity of the physical and mental benefits that Yoga offers. All you has to do is start! You are able to make that change in your life. Have the mindset to start a new routine. Start doing Yoga. Breathe, focus and fill your body and mind with goodness! This is the road to Kevala. This is the journey that we are all on. Kevala means 'absolute, perfect, whole, pure'. Yoga means union. For me, everyday, with all its blessings is a Kevala Yoga experience. A perfect union. Be in the present and appreciate life and the this world!